Guess the Bug Competition
Guess the Bug
This competition is now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated, well done to all those who correctly guessed the bugs and congratulations to the winners.
Competition Closed. Thank you. See our Water Testing Quiz for more chances to win.
Spring Competition Results
We would like to congratulate Stephanie Finnegan of BD as the winner of our Spring Guess the Bug competition.
May 2018
In the May 2018 edition of Eureka's Guess the Bug Competition the correct answer for the API strip in the image below was Micrococcus.
Well done to all those who correctly guessed the bug in April, you have been entered into our quarterly prize draw.
April 2018
In the April 2018 edition of Eureka's Guess the Bug Competition the correct answer for the API strip in the image below was Leifsonia.
Well done to all those who correctly guessed the bug in April, you have been entered into our quarterly prize draw.
March 2018
In the March 2018 edition of Eureka's Guess the Bug Competition the correct answer for the API strip in the image below was indeed Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Visit our Microbiology Laboratories pages for more on this bug, its impact in Pharma and Healthcare.
Winter Competition Results
We'd like to congratulate Alan Dougan from Norbrook Laboratories as the winner of the Winter Guess the Bug competition.
February 2018
In the February 2018 edition of Eureka's Guess the Bug Competition the correct answer for the API strip in the image below was E.Coli, visit our Microbiology Laboratories pages for more on this particular bug, its impact in Pharma and Healthcare.
Well done to all those who correctly guessed the bug in February, you have been entered into our quarterly prize draw, the winner will be announced in March's edition of Eureka! 2018.
January 2018
In the January 2018 edition of Eureka's Guess the Bug Competition the correct answer for the API strip in the image below was indeed Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Visit our Microbiology Laboratories pages for more on this bug, its impact in Pharma and Healthcare.
December 2017
In our December 2017 edition of Eureka's Guess the Bug Competition the correct answer for the API strip in the image below was Staphylococcus aureus,
Visit our Microbiology Laboratories pages for more about this bug.
This competition is now closed. Simply guess which bacterial species this API strip from our Laboratory identifies, and submit your entry for the chance to be entered into our quarterly free competition prize draw.
Enter to win a free place on a Honeyman Public Training Course of your choice worth up to *£1,695
Click here to view Honeyman Public Training Courses *prize excludes UCPD
The winner of this great prize also gains the kudos of being correct and lucky.
*Terms of Competition
- Each month we will present a new API strip and announce the correct answer the following month. A winner will be chosen at random from all entries each quarter.
- The winner of the competition will receive an email from Honeyman Group Limited and an announcement will follow in the eureka! newsletter and on our website.
- The winner of this competition will receive the prize as stated, and not the equivalent monetary value, the up to figure depends on which course is chosen from the public courses, not including Accredited Specialist.
- Only one Training course can be chosen per winner. The winner is to organise their own transport and accommodation during training.
- By submitting your entry, you agree that your name may be published in the eureka! Newsletter and on Honeyman Group website.
Competition Closed. Thank you. See our Water Testing Quiz for more chances to win.
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